martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Don't Drag It

Don't drag it anymore, let it go!: My friend Irma talk much about her past and when she does, it seems as if she were still living it. The fact is that she always ends up in tears and that's not allowing her to enjoy and take advantage of opportunities offered by the present. My friend needs to forgive and leave the past behind. This problem hurts a person, a family or a community, as the weight of the past doesn't allow you to go forward or take advantage of all of what the present offers, because dragging the weight of the past with us, everywhere we go, drains our energy . Never believe in political propaganda phrases relating to "do not forget". God invites and motivates us to live each day like a new day and tells us that old things must pass to enjoy new things every day. With God you must let go of everything that hurts you from your past and enjoy the good news of God for your life today.

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