miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

1 US $

We only ask you to donate 1 US $. Please, click in the following link:  DONATE
With that dollar, you help us reach every day, 1,000,000 people for Christ, with our Christian Messages.
Currently we reach 220,354 people daily through eMail, Blogs and the Social Networks and by the end of this year, we want to reach every day 1,000,000 people for Christ. In this Web Page, you will find out who we are, what we do and our 2014 plan. Please, support us to help us reach: One Million People for Jesus!
Following Jesus Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization, incorporated in the State of Florida, in the US, and for Corporate Principles set internally, we offer all published contents, totally free. For that reason, we raise funds through donations, to obtain the resources we need to achieve our 2014 goals, to reach 1,000,000 people daily, with more and better Christian content.

This year 2014, we are developing a new format of Video Messages, an Audio & Video Streaming Service in the Internet, “Apps” for the mobile market and a “Live Talk Show” that will be available to download.
If God puts in your heart the desire to donate us 1 US $, we will be very grateful for that blessing. If you cannot donate at this time, it is alright, please continue following us and please say a prayer for our Mission.

To donate 1 US $, please click in the following link:  DONATE

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