martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Inside or Outside?

Where do we start, inside or outside? The Sanchez family remodeled their home, because it was very run down and they wanted a beautiful house. They started on the outside and there was so much remodeling work outside the home, that it was beautiful, but they ran out of money and could not remodel the interior. The Sanchez family continued to live in an old house and only when entering or leaving, they saw the new house. When they did parties, their friends saw for a few minutes the beautiful exterior, but remained with them for hours inside the old and ugly house. That can happen to us, as we strive to improve our appearance, but we neglect our interior and although we look better, we still live in our inner ugly self. But if we work with the Great Architect, who is God and let Him renew us, He will focus on our inner self and if our interior is truly renovated by God, that will be reflected in our exterior. It says in the book of Proverbs that what is inside you is reflected in your exterior and Jesus warned us not to be beautiful on the outside but filled with al sorts of impurities. Ask Jesus to renew the way you think, act and live and then you have "eternal" beauty ".

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