jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Information or Power?

Don't search for information, seek POWER. Until a few decades ago, information was in books that were in libraries. But today, we just turn on our computer and in minutes we get all the information we need. However, despite technology, information is useless if we don't understand it, because we can not use it. Something similar happens with the Word of God in the Bible. We can read it, but we need to understand it. The words written in any book provide information, but the Word of God in the Bible, has Creative Power. We read in the Gospel of John in chapter 1: In the beginning of Creation the Word already existed, God created everything through the Word and the Word gave life to everything that was created. So great is the power of God's word that Jesus said: Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. He also said that people do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God and that only God can make us understand the Scriptures. Do not read the Bible for information, ask God to reveal His Word to you and discover His Creative Power . Information? No. POWER!

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