What is wrong with having some fun? What is wrong with teens having sex? Let’s see the facts: Everyone is doing it. You can’t get pregnant your first time. You can’t contract sexually transmitted diseases if you’re on birth control. Oral sex is not real sex. Right? Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Are you kidding me? Teens are young, impressionable, impulsive and with lots of hormones. Add to that: peer pressure, insecurity, invincibility, some alcohol & drugs, and you’ve got yourself a teen sex cocktail. However, there are ample research results showing that the consequences of teen sex are: Reputation is tarnished, Psychological problems, Pregnancy and Sexually transmitted diseases (Terri McCarthy - St. Paul Parenting Examiner). Also, research shows that early sexual activity is not an event isolated from the rest of an adolescent’s life. Instead, it is often linked to negative behaviors, such as relationship violence, depression, substance and alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, and an increase in other risky sexual behaviors (Quinn Harr - Michigan Family Forum). I have a very simple conclusion about this subject: God created us and He knows us better that any scientist. In His instruction manual, He told us not to fornicate. God knew why, but we always think we know better. Right? No, we are wrong again! Jesus warned us in Matthew 15: For from the heart come evil sexual thoughts and these are what defile you.
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