domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Thoughts About Ignoring Our Neighbor

Do Invisible People Exist? Yes they exist, because we create them when we ignore them.

We make people invisible when we don’t answer when they talk, we don’t look at them when we talk and we are with them without noticing them.

We ignore people if we don’t care about their feelings, we decide about them without consulting them, we make plans and don’t include them.

The connection is broken when we make people feel our things are more important than them and we don’t let them complain about it.

We usually ignore family or people that because of their position, they have nothing to contribute to our race for money, power and fame.

You don’t make invisible anyone in an instant, but occurs over time, by the way we manage our relationship with them.

To ignore and make people invisible is to corner and separate them, and diminish them, until they disappear, not physically but emotionally.

We can make invisible our children, parents, grandparents, family members, neighbors, employees and sometimes unfortunately, our spouse.

Our neighbor deserve our love. We should not ignore them or reject them. Don’t forget that Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor.

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves and treat our neighbor as we want to be treated ourselves.

If you don’t want to be invisible to others, don’t make anybody invisible to you.

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