As we walked through our neighborhood, we found a snake in the middle of the street and we become paralyzed by fear. We will never know who was more scared, if the snake to see us or we to see the snake. After a few seconds we decided to run away from the snake. Just as we become paralyzed by a situation that frightens us, we also get paralyzed by the problems that arise in life that cause us fear. But the solution is not to get paralyzed by fear, but to act on the situation that we fear and the strength to overcome fear is to know that God is on our side. When David went to confront Goliath, he said: The same God who has protected me before, will protect me from this Philistine. When the storm threatened to sink the boat, Jesus rebuked the wind and said, Why are you afraid? Why you have so little faith? If something frightens you, do not get paralyzed, but rather trust God and act.
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