The world speaks of being lucky in life to achieve good health, wealth, power, fame and love. Many people have been "lucky" in life and have achieved success in some of these areas, but still are not happy and feel a great emptiness. The problem is the paradigm of success with which we have been formed and the concept of being lucky in life to achieve that success. That is why, despite achieving certain goals, we feel that something is missing and we do not feel that it fills that void inside . The real success is to fulfill God's purpose in your life and for that, luck is not required, but the blessing of God. Luck is a matter of chance, but the blessing of God is accomplished when we decide to obey our heavenly Father. God created you for a specific purpose. His plan for you is much bigger than what you have wished or imagined to achieve and the blessing of God is complete and perfect, enough to achieve that purpose. Do not seek to be lucky investing time and resources in achieving your plans. Find the Blessing of your heavenly Father, working on the achievement of His Perfect Plan for you.
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