lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Responsible Parenthood

As parents, you have the opportunity to change the world. When the family is healthy, the world will follow. All the evils that afflict humanity, like: violence, addiction, resentment, low self esteem, lack of identity, hatred, depression and suicide, often begins within the family.

Ask God for help to understand your children, listen patiently to what they have to say and answer their questions kindly. To be gentle to them, to teach them with love and not make fun of their mistakes, or humiliate or embarrass them in front of others.

Ask God for help to avoid abusing them physically or verbally and instead, have for them: words of encouragement, quality time, hugs, kisses and love, which is the best you can give them and to be able them to give them the freedom to think and make decisions according to their age, with responsibility.

Ask God to guide you to give a good example tor your children, with everything you say and do, being a good role model.

May God bless you and support you, so your example is a blessing to your children, and they grow with the guidance of God through you.

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