The harvest depends on the quality of the soil. Jesus once compared God to a farmer who planted His Word like a seed and our heart was the soil where God planted. But many people do not stop to receive the seed, but follow their path and while walking they stepped on the Word of God and the devil took the seed so that they do not believe and be saved. Others live so attracted by temptation that although they enjoy the Word, fall away to follow temptation. There are also those who stop to receive the word, but the seed does not germinate because it is crowded out by their cares and riches and the attraction to the pleasures of this life. Finally there are people who receive the seed with a good and honest heart; cling to the word of God and struggle with patience to produce the harvest that God expects and wants. If you want to look and really see, hear and really listen and understand, prepare the soil of your heart to be fertile and the word of God germinates in you, to grow and bear the huge harvest that God has planned for you. Read it in Luke 8:4-15.
sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013
viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013
Love Doesn't Judge
Love doesn't judge. The law of men is not designed to forgive, but to judge, acquit or convict, and punish if convicted. And that's fine, because that's the only way we can keep order in society. However, the law of God is different. Once, some men brought to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery and as the law of Moses commanded to stone her, they asked Jesus: what do you say? And He said: All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone! All the accusers slipped away and Jesus said to the woman: Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you? No, Lord, she said. And Jesus said: Neither do I. Go and sin no more. Only God can see what is happening within our hearts and He forgives us when we repent. It is important to understand that for God repentance does not mean remorse or admission of guilt. Repentance means deciding not to do it anymore and that is a decision made in the heart. This is so, because Jesus was condemned in our place and paid the maximun punishment and penalty, so that we could be forgiven just with repent. So great is the love of God for us.
jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013
Does The Seed Dies or Doesn't Die?
Does the seed dies or doesn't die? Our biology teacher taught us the most interesting lesson of my high school times when he talked about the death of the seeds. He talked about the position of science on what Jesus said about the seeds. Jesus said that if the seed doesn't die, doesn't produce new life and science has long debated on the veracity and validity of that assertion. The issue is in the concept of death. If the concept of death is anihilation and disappearance, the seed doesn't die. But if the concept of death is transformation, the seed dies . Science, through the studies of Lavoisier, Lomonosov and more recently Einstein, has found that the total of material mass and energy never disappears or get destroyed, but it's transformed and preserved. The seed sacrifices itself and ceases to be a seed, to be transformed into a plant. The seed dies. The egg sacrifices itself and ceases to be an egg to be transformed into a chicken. The egg dies. The caterpillar sacrifices itself and forms the chrysalis to be transformed into a butterfly. The caterpillar dies. Similarly, our body sacrifices itself and ceases to be a physical body to be transformed into the spiritual being that God created. The body dies. Death is not anihilation or disappearance, but transformation. Additionally, this process of transformation is applied to our daily living because we must "die" to our old way of living , thinking and acting, to be transformed by the power of God. Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.
domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013
Don't Listen With Your Mouth
You can not listen with your mouth open. Our son had made a mistake and we wanted to explain him the reasons why, what he did was wrong and what was right conduct. But he could not listen to what we were saying, because he was also talking, justifying himself. Then we asked him to keep silence and listen. Our son did it and then he could listen and understand what we were explaining. The issue is that people like talking more than listening and this attitude affects our ability to communicate effectively with others, but especially with God. We just want to tell our heavenly Father about all our needs, but we make no effort to listen to His words and advice. If you want to listen to the voice of God, you must learn to be silent before Him and listen to what He wants to teach you. God knows what you need better than you and wants to show you that and teach you, but you can not take advantage of this great opportunity if you do not listen. This is why Jesus said: Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013
You Will Not Drown!
You will not drown! We were playing in the swiming pool is the part that is not deep and someone threw into the water, one of our friends who could not swim. She was so afraid of the water that was shouting: I am drowning!, splashing beside us. We got close to her, hold her hand and said, you just have to stand up. In life we go through similar situations. We are so afraid of certain circumstances, that when the face them, we think "we are drowninig". To our heavenly Father, all our problems are like shallow waters because for God nothing is impossible. He is always by your side when you feel that you are drowning. God holds your hand and tells you get up, you will not drown. Just believe Him and stand up. Jesus said: What is impossible for people is possible with God. The water will never be too deep for your heavenly Father to save you.
viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013
Control tower, here is flight...
Control tower, here is flight... Aircraft pilots, regardless of their ability, knowledge and experience, must remain in contact with air traffic controllers in control towers that direct aircrafts on the ground and in the air spaces that are controlled because of their high traffic, such as near airports. International standards require that pilots obey the instructions of the air traffic controllers because they have information on dozens of aircrafts surrounding each flight, that pilots don't know or can handle. That is a good example of what happens in a much higher level with God. Our ability, knowledge and experience are not enough to lead our lives in the complex circumstances that surround us and our heavenly Father has information that we do not know, or can handle. The control tower is in the Gospels. Follow the instructions of Jesus reach your destination despite the storms and dangers around you. It is safer to fly in life when Jesus is in control.
martes, 20 de agosto de 2013
Inside or Outside?
Where do we start, inside or outside? The Sanchez family remodeled their home, because it was very run down and they wanted a beautiful house. They started on the outside and there was so much remodeling work outside the home, that it was beautiful, but they ran out of money and could not remodel the interior. The Sanchez family continued to live in an old house and only when entering or leaving, they saw the new house. When they did parties, their friends saw for a few minutes the beautiful exterior, but remained with them for hours inside the old and ugly house. That can happen to us, as we strive to improve our appearance, but we neglect our interior and although we look better, we still live in our inner ugly self. But if we work with the Great Architect, who is God and let Him renew us, He will focus on our inner self and if our interior is truly renovated by God, that will be reflected in our exterior. It says in the book of Proverbs that what is inside you is reflected in your exterior and Jesus warned us not to be beautiful on the outside but filled with al sorts of impurities. Ask Jesus to renew the way you think, act and live and then you have "eternal" beauty ".
lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013
You Are Not A Good Person
Do not believe you are a good person. Your attitude and love for God depends on how much forgiveness you think you have received. If you think you are a good person and you have not done anything really bad that requires God's forgiveness, then you are a person with a self-reliant attitude toward God and you say you love God but your actions will not be typical of a great love for God. But if you know you're not a good person and you need God's forgiveness for your bad deeds, then you will be humble in recognizing your spiritual poverty, you will repent, you will have a deep appreciation for the forgiveness received, you will feel a great love for God and will act according to that great love. In the passage we read in Luke 7:36-50, Jesus says to Simon the Pharisee: Look at this woman kneeling here. When I entered your home, you didn’t offer me water to wash the dust from my feet, but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the time I first came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You neglected the courtesy of olive oil to anoint my head, but she has anointed my feet with rare perfume. I tell you, her sins, and they are many, have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love. What do you think about yourself? Are you a good or bad person? Jesus said that only God is truly good. Examine yourself very well and ask God to forgive you.
domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013
The Power of Authority
The Power of Authority: When a person who has authority gives an order, those under that authority, obey the order. It is not necessary to have physical or visual contact with the person who gives the order; if they receive the order, they obey it. And obedience to authority, is based on the rank of who issues the order and not in the rank of the carrier. For example, when a soldier takes an order from the General, who receive the order from the soldier obeys it, because it comes from the General, no matter that it is brought by a simple soldier. The faith is based in this concept of authority. Jesus has authority and his word has power, even at a distance, without seeing or touching. Jesus has given us very specific orders and if we can give those orders in the name of Jesus, we will be obeyed, because the orders come from the Lord and King of the universe. This is explained in the passage of the Roman officer and Jesus in Luke 7:1-10. The kingdom of darkness trembles at this concept of faith. If you are under the authority of Jesus, you have His Power to give His Orders and be obeyed. Obey Jesus and you will be obeyed.
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013
Correcting Is Loving
The task of correcting our children is not easy, but it is our responsibility. Sometimes we do not correct them to avoid them getting angry with us and to make them feel that "we love them". But that's being irresponsible parents, who bring up children who do not assume their obligations and do not submit to authority. We must not fall into the other extreme, to correct our children embarrassing them or hitting them, making them feel that they are not loved or valued, destroying their self-esteem. We received the responsibility of being parents, directly God who is Father of all of us and entrusts us "His Children" for a short period of time. He is the only role model that we have to be good parents. As Father, God is just, but His outstanding characteristic is love and He does everything led by His Love. He cares for us and protects us despite our disobedience. He knows our personal needs and has a training plan for each of us, not the same plan for everyone. To teach us, God corrects and disciplines us when we do something wrong, but also helps us in love to get up when we fall. It is often said that no one teaches us to be parents, but that's not true, God has taught us by his example, since we were born. Follow wisely the example of God as Father and do not be guided by your own emotions.
jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013
Packaging or Content?
Packaging or Content? We were invited to a conference and upon arrival, we liked the excellent organization of the event. Everything seemed perfect, until the speaker started talking. The development of the subject was superficial and his technique as speaker was poor. The packaging of the event was flawless, but more importantly, the content of the event, was poor. The event was negatively evaluated because those attending the conference did not evaluate the appearance, but the content. The same happens with God and the people who care very much for their appearance or "packaging", but neglect their content. It is written in the Bible: People judge by outward appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart. And King David prayed: O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. Speaking of the heart, Jesus said: God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. Clean your heart, with your decision to obey your heavenly Father and letting God to be in control of your life, because that is your best content and packaging.
miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013
Power For Living
To follow Jesus, you must do what you like the least: to obey. If you want to be a Christian, give up your ego, because following Jesus is not wearing a label but obeying Him. Specifically, it has to do with obeying what Jesus says and not living by what you say, hiding behind your religious practices or customs. If you listen to Jesus teaching and follow Him, you will be able to withstand the harsh tests of life. But if you do not obey the teachings of Jesus, you will collapse and adversity will drag you down. Obedience is the key that opens your heart for the Holy Spirit to enter and release within you all the power of God, so you can live anchored in the powerful rock of God. Learn what Jesus taught, strive to obey Him and live truly following Jesus. There is the power and that is the true way that gives you power for living. Read it in Luke 6:43-49.
martes, 13 de agosto de 2013
Fan or Player
John and Paul are brothers and since they were children have been fans of Baseball. However, there was a time when the two boys began to differentiate. While John continued to enjoy baseball as a fan, Paul decided to be a player and put so much effort and perseverance to his work, that he became a player in the team both brothers were fans. Now, the two brothers, as adults, are still fans of the same team. But while John just enjoys talking about his team, reading the articles and watching the games, Paul really works hard to make sure his team wins. So it is with Christ. You can be a fan of Jesus, speaking, reading and enjoying the meetings or you can choose to be a player and work with commitment and perseverance to make "the team win." Jesus said: So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. You decide: are you going to be talker or maker? will you read the word or obey it? and finally, will you just enjoy being a christian or work for Jesus? That's the difference between fans and players and Jesus is not looking for fans but workers.
lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013
God Is Far Greater Than Your Adversity
God is far greater than your adversity. The chapter 16 of the book of Acts tells the story when Paul and Silas were severely beaten with wooden rods, and then they were thrown into prison, into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. That seems illogical because the difficulties and hardships of life, should produce sadness, discouragement, feelings of defeat and a desire to give up and not follow through. That pessimistic attitude, seems more logical in those circumstances. However, when you trust God and you put yourself in the hands of your heavenly Father, your attitude is optimistic and beyond logic. So it was with Paul and Silas who decided to pray and sing to God above their circumstances, because they knew that God would not forsake them amid their difficulties. The end of that story was that there was massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! You may have been facing your problems alone for a long time. It's time to seek God, ask for his help and put your trust in Him. If you do that from your heart, you will see your adversity with optimism and great miracles will happen.
domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013
Returned Gift
Returned gift: I recently read the story of a judge who was suspended because someone took a video of him, committing an illegal act. The fact is, you have no authority to determine guilt and sentencing someone, if you also are guilty of a crime. Nevertheless, people judge the sins of others, but we are also sinners. The excuse we use is that the sin of others "is worse than ours" and we think that makes us less guilty. However, crime is crime and sin is sin. So Jesus told us not to judge others, and we will not be judged and not to condem others, and we will not be condemned. Jesus commanded us to forgive, rather than judge and promised us to be forgiven, if we forgave others. Speaking of which Jesus said: And why do you worry about the speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? Instead of judging others, forgive them, and rather repent of your own faults, because your gift will return to you in full. Read it in Luke 6:37-42.
viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013
Fill The Tank
A friend told me that financial freedom does not depend on income but on expenses and compared it to a water tank, which is filled only if the inflow of water is bigger than the outflow. So, in order to become financially free, you must control your expenses, regardless of your income level. Therefore, you must learn to distinguish between what you really need and your longings, desires and whims, and understand that rich is not who has the most but who needs the least. Many people grow professionally and increase their income, just to be in debt and trapped in the financial prison. The credit is useful, but can be harmful if it takes you to debts that make you spend more than you earn. God wants you to be totally free and that includes your finances. Your heavenly Father created you free, ask Him to enable you to control your material desires and to spend less than you earn.
jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013
Religion or Love
It is much easier to follow a religion than to love people. Jesus does not ask you to keep a set of rules and traditions, not to participate in rites and ceremonies. Jesus only asks you to change your heart and love, following his example. But that is so difficult that people prefer religiosity. Jesus tells you: Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who hurt you. Give to anyone who asks, and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back and lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Do to others as you would like them to do to you. In short, be a child of God for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked . So, you must be compassionate just as your heavenly Father is compassionate. This is what Jesus taught and if you want to check it, read it in Luke 6:27-36.
miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013
The medical science has achieved important breakthroughs with the creation and development of new and effective drugs and equipment for diagnosis, treatment and healing of body diseases. That's great because we all want to be healthy and live longer with a good quality of life. However, we should not focus only on our physical being, because our body is a vehicle that we leave here on earth when we go to eternity. Remember that you are not a body that has a soul, you are a soul that has a body. Your heavenly Father created you and He alone can heal your being "non-physical", that is your soul. It is okay take care of your temporal life here on earth, but it is much more important to take care of your eternal life, after your physical death. Besides, your spiritual health has a major impact on your physical health. If you want to be spiritually healthy and that your eternal life is in heaven, begin to use the Word of God as your daily medicine. The word of God is read in the Bible, but is also received directly from Him, when you talk to him in prayer. Live in peace, God's Love is the best medicine.
martes, 6 de agosto de 2013
Freedom is an important issue for human beings and it seems to be recorded in our genetic code, because we have fought for freedom since the beginning of mankind. The primary and essential freedom is physical freedom, however, through history the concept of freedom have been applied to other areas such as speech, consciousness, cults, opinion, choice, finance and civil rights . If we enter the psychological field, the concept of freedom have been applied to our mental and emotional areas. Where does freedom come from? We were created by God and His Design is the spiritual freedom of the soul, because if we achieve our spiritual freedom, we will achieve freedom in all areas. Jesus said: You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. Jesus paid with his life for our freedom. Just ask Jesus to come into your heart, take control of your life and make you truly free.
sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013
The Best Job
If you want to work, you need to look for a job and for that, you must go to a job interview. When you go to the interview, besides going well presented, it is normal to take your resume to show the studies you've done, the jobs you've had and your professional experience. However, if you want to work for God, you just have to want it. It is enough to tell your heavenly Father: Lord, I want to work for you Use me! You don't need to go to an interview and he is not going to evaluate your personal presentation, not your resume. Also, if you want the job, God guarantees He will accept you and hire you. When you're working for the Kingdom of God, you will have to study and work hard. But do not worry, The King himself in person, will teach you everything you need to know and He will feed and train you for the hard work. The best thing is the benefits package: The King of the Universe will ensure that nothing goes missing for you here in this world and He deposites treasures in heaven for you, for the time when you finish your work here. Congratulations you've made your best decision, because you work now for the best employer in the universe.
viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013
Powerful Weapons
Powerful weapons. The devil will tempt you using his three most powerful weapons. They are so powerful that they were the ones that he used to tempt Jesus.
The first weapon he will use to temp you is to distract you so that you only take care of your body and do not attend to your spirit, forgetting your priority to care for your spirit. So, he tempted Jesus: Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry. Then the devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread.” But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone.’
The second weapon that the devil will use against you is seducing you with ambition for wealth and power, so that you follow your own ambition and do not follow God. When you are not following God, you're following the devil, but you do not realize it. This is what he told Jesus: Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. “I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. I will give it all to you if you will worship me.” Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, You must worship the L ord your God and serve only him.”
The third temptation is to make you think that God "has" to help you to do what you want to do. The devil makes you forget that you must always do the will of God and you end up "testing" God. This is what happened with Jesus: Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect and guard you. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.’ ” Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’ ” When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.
These temptations are so powerful that the devil used them to tempt Jesus. But Jesus defended Himself using the most powerful weapon, much more powerful than the devil's temptations. He defended Himself and came out in victory, repeating Bible verses. Jesus did not entered in arguments with the devil, He only repeated the word of God. Follow His Example and achive your victory.
jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013
Do Not Say It ... Do it!
Do not say it ... Do it! Three little frogs were on the edge of a lake and said, let's jump into the water. How many jumped? ... no one, because they just said it and never did it. Saying you'll do something, does not mean you're going to do it, until you take the first step to do it and endure to achieve it. That's what happens with the changes. We all need to change our bad habits with good habits and we are always talking about it, but never do anything about it. And we don't do it for two reasons: we don't take the first step and after that first step, do not make the effort to persevere to achieve our goal. We lack decision, will and determination to move from words to action, and that's the difference between dreams and realities. We talked about taking the first step, and to succeed, that step should be, share your need with God and ask for His help. Your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to help you. Ask Him to be empowered and strengthened to achieve that change. There are plenty of people who managed to change their lives with the help of God. Do not try it without help, you must want to be what your Father wants you to be and you will succeed.